Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Mandestripper, Mandestripalex


The industry’s hottest male strippers!

We have the most handsome men in the industry, regardless of whether you want big muscles or real boy bandits, they can be found at mandestripperalex.dk. Contact us and have a chat about what suits your evening. Our male strippers can serve when you eat, mix drinks, stand at the bar or come and make a great strip show. See our men’s strippers here and book them now for a good game of men’s strip!

Prices where everyone can join!

You are guaranteed a price guarantee at mandestripperalex.dk. We always guarantee you the best prices. You can see the prices of our man strip below.

We are one of Denmark’s largest strip and event agencies. You can therefore expect the price and quality to be top-notch. We want to live up to our own requirements, which are precise quality, good service and good prices. You can therefore expect good entertainment, at favorable prices. At the same time, there are opportunities for many different types of services. Our strippers provide many different services and this also applies to our male strippers.

MandeStripper, Mande Strip, Strip Denmark


Mandestrip hører sig enhver brudens polterabend til. Med en professionel mandlig stripper er den store dag en sikker succes.

Book mandlig stripper her

Scroll ned og se vores udvalg af mænd. Book en mandlig stripper ved at udfylde hans booking formular, eller ved at ringe til os.

Når du booker online, kan du på den enkelte mandlige strippers booking formular frit vælge, om du vil booke ham til mandestrip eller andet – f.eks. servering i bar overkrop. Flere af vores mandlige strippere kan også bookes som morgenbollefyre.

Vælg din yndlings mandestripper

Hos mandestripalex.dk finder du landets største mandestripper udvalg. Scroll ned og vælg din yndlings mandestripper, og book ham til den kommende event.

Dansk Mandestrip

Her hos mandestripalex.dk finder du også mandestrippere der yder ‘US Style Strip’, ligesom du også finder mandestrippere der er klar til at gå Full Monty!

Tjek den enkelte mandestrippers profil, og læs hvilke specialiteter han disker op med.

Har du nogle specielle ideer fx omkring kostume og tema, så ring eller skriv til os – vores mandestrippere er friske og kan ofte overtales til lidt af hvert…

Mande Strip, Danish Mande Stripper, Mandestripper Denmark


Mandestrip belongs to every bride’s bachelorette party. With a professional mandestripper, the big day is a sure success.

Book mande stripper here

Scroll down and see our selection of men. Book a mande strip by filling out his booking form, or by calling us.

When you book online, you can freely choose on the individual mandestripper‘s booking form whether you want to book him for a mande strip or something else – e.g. serving in the bare upper body. Several of our male strippers can also be booked as breakfast bun guys.

Choose your favorite mande stripper

At mandestripalex.dk you will find the country’s largest mandestripper selection. Scroll down and select your favorite mandestripper, and book him for the upcoming event.

Danish Mandestrip

Here at mandestripalex.dk you will also find mande strippers who provides ‘Italian Style MandeStrip’, just as you will also find mandestrippers who are ready to go Full Monty!

Check out the profile of each mandestripper, and read what specialties he dishes up.

Do you have any special ideas, for example about costume and theme, then call or write to us – our mendestrips are fresh and can often be persuaded into a little of everything…

Stripshow københavn, Strip Danmark


Et stripshow varer almindeligvis mellem 10 og 15 minutter.

Det indskudte ord ‘almindeligvis’ indikerer at et stripshow både kan være kortere og længere end 10 – 15 minutter, men at langt de fleste strippere holder sig inden for den ramme.

Er et stripshow med en varighed af 15 minutter bedre end et stripshow der kun er 9 minutter langt?

Nej, mange af vores kunder drager fejlagtigt en direkte parallel mellem kvaliteten af et stripshow og den tidsmæssige varighed.

Et kort indslag

I langt de fleste tilfælde er et stripshow et kort indslag med det formål at løfte feststemningen. Samtidig er et stripshow et indslag som ‘stjæler’ festens fokus i det tidsrum showet står på. Bliver showet for langt, hensættes festen til en passiv tilskuerrolle med nedadgående intensitet.

Book et stripshow i Danmark. I behøver ikke engang gå på stripklub – vores stripper kommer til jer! Få stripshow på hotelværelset eller tilføj strip til en anden aktivitet fx. limousine kørsel, festbåd, festbust osv.

Hos Pissup hyrer vi kun de bedste strippere, så I kan helt sikkert forvente et godt show.

Der er også mulighed for at ønske specielle kostumer.

Er almindelig strip ikke nok? Book dildoshow, som helt sikkert giver varmen i kinderne.

Kontakt os I dag, så vi kan sammensætte det helt rigtige stripshow for jer.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Stripshow, stripper Kobenhavn


strippers.dk is for real gentlemen
Copenhagen is a metropolis for nocturnal excesses, and there are therefore also a multitude of stripshow in Copenhagen. So there is something for everyone. It’s just finding the right place for you.
But what should you look for if you want an extra spectacular experience with extraordinary girls at stripshow in Copenhagen?
Yes, of course it depends on what you are for. Both by girls, shows and how close you want to go.
But often it is a simple, small and very important detail that makes all the difference.

strippers.dk in Copenhagen
Boys will be boys – and therefore they are not locked in very nice places. No, if you want a luxurious experience with just the right atmosphere, both among guests and staff, you need to find a place where men can behave like men. With good manners and a certain amount of decency, you get a long way at a stripshow in KBH.
At strippers.dk, we go to great lengths to set the right mood among both guests and girls. Both because you deserve a world-class sensual experience, with everything that goes with it. And because the girls deserve the best working conditions at our stripshow in Copenhagen. We are here to tease your senses – and we like to get a little closer to the real gentlemen.

A large selection of girls and shows
A good stripshow has it all. There must be girls for all tastes, and there must be shows and VIP rooms for all needs.
If you want to enjoy the show on the big stage a little distant with a drink in hand, there must be room for it. See some examples of how tantalizing it can get in our movie gallery. And if you want to get really close and have a personal up-close experience with champagne and your own lounge, this should definitely be an option as well. stripshow
You need to be pampered, and we’re aware of that at strippers.dk!
We have some beautiful angels, all of whom are ready to invite you inside for acrobatic stage shows, private lap dances and pleasant company in a stylish and authentic decor. strip Kobenhavn

We always have the perfect one for you
Whether you long to worship brunettes, blondes or fiery redheads with your eyes. Or whether you are into big, round and eggy shapes or slim and trimmed. Then you will find the right one for you, both in terms of appearance and certainly also personality. stripshow
Best of all, they all have one wish every man dreams of: to please and make sure you have a unique evening. stripper Kobenhavn
Our girls are professional dancers and they know exactly how to advance their body. Both on a stage and in the small, exclusive lapdance cabins that we have placed in a discreet corner of our club. stripper Kobenhavn
Here you can have a private lap dance right according to your wishes with exactly the girl you find most charming in our Copenhagen men’s club.
So prepare for a sensual, erotic and tantalizing evening where you can enjoy the stage show or the sensual presence of one of our beautiful girls – just as you feel like it. stripper Kobenhavn

Should it be an absolutely exclusive VIP experience?
Do you dream of something extra and more exclusive. Or about creating something exceptional for both yourself and your friends? stripper Kobenhavn
Then arrange an exclusive VIP experience for either yourself, your friends, the Friday group you go to town with or a bachelor party for a good friend. We help to put everything in order, and do our utmost to create the perfect, exclusive experience, the right atmosphere and the right surroundings. strip Kobenhavn

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Order a stripper for the birthday party stripshow in Copenhagen


Order a stripper for the birthday party stripshow in Copenhagen

If you are going to have a birthday and we would like to celebrate in style, it may be a good idea to hire a stripper Kobenhavn who can take the party to a higher level. See here how to find the right stripper for the party.
A birthday is a celebration of yourself – and it is therefore important that some effort is put into arranging a bang of a party if you want the day to go down in the history books among the participants. strip kobenhavn
There are many types of events, but for your birthday, it is you who decides how the festivities should go. You, therefore, have free rein to arrange it as you wish if you really want to stack a special event on its legs. stripshow

Make the birthday naughtier with a strip Kobenhavn
There is good reason to hire a stripper if you want to make the birthday a little naughtier than it otherwise would have been. However, it is not a good idea if you are celebrating a family birthday – but for a birthday with friends, it will be a fun and festive kick.
Rent a stripper in Copenhagen or the city you live in, and you will find that the party is taken to a whole new level. The strip is a fun, naughty, and festive feature that will definitely boost the event and it does not have to be too hardcore. strip kobenhavn

There are plenty of strip agencies that offer stripshow at the gentle end, so everyone is comfortable with that – even if there should be family members present who otherwise risk getting the cake in the wrong throat. stripshow

Find other activities during the day
It is a good idea not only to hire a stripper kobenhavn but also to invent other types of activities. A birthday party that lasts for many hours can be trivial if no games, activities or the like have been arranged. stripshow
You can therefore find some fun games that guests can participate in along the way. There are many options and it does not have to be something that is more advanced than necessary. For example, you can just set up bar tennis in the garden, which the guest can enjoy when they feel like it. strip kobenhavn
It’s about seizing the opportunities that exist without it becoming too formal. It should be fun and non-committal so that guests can choose for themselves whether they want to participate in the activities you have arranged. Find more ideas for your birthday party right here. stripper kobenhavn.